Why should I join?
The Beaufort Woman’s Club is an outstanding non-profit organization to join if you are interested in meeting new friends and making a positive difference in the community. Through a variety of fund-raising events, the time and talent of our members support Carteret County charities that assist area youth, education, and preservation efforts.
Do I have to live in Beaufort to be a member?
No, we welcome members from throughout the Crystal Coast. The club is open to all without discrimination.
What kinds of activities will take place?​
From September through June, we meet on a monthly basis for a lite supper and a program. In a typical year we plan and implement special events that raise money for worthy community causes. We also participate in volunteer outreach activities, such as food drives and beach clean-ups.
When and where are meetings held?
We meet in Beaufort on the second Thursday of each month from September to June at 6 pm. We generally meet at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall, but we may also meet at other locations. Members receive an email with location information prior to each monthly meeting. The meeting location is also posted on our website.
Do I have to attend a certain number of meetings?
Meetings are certainly not mandatory, but we hope you will make every effort to come and hear about club outreach and special events, enjoy guest speakers, and fellowship with members.
What are the annual membership dues?
Dues are $50.00 annually.
Will there be additional financial expectations?
The club appreciates any additional monetary donations you might want to make, however, they are not mandatory. As a committee member, you may be asked to contribute toward the preparation of food for a meeting or special event.
Are my dues and donations tax deductible?
Your dues are not tax deductible, but any additional contributions, whether monetary or in-kind, are tax deductible.
Can I connect with the club on social media?
You can find links to our social media pages at the bottom of our page.
What is the best way to get involved?
Join the Beaufort Woman’s Club and sign up for one or more committees. We offer lots of opportunities and you can select what suits you best.